Friday, October 31, 2008

Chapters 17 through 18

Chapters 17 through 18 seem to be more relieving and happy. Ishmael’s personality starts to change from bad to good. In chapter 17 Ishmael starts to spill about his emotions, past experiences and what he feels now. Its sad reflecting what Ishmael has suffered and been through. Beah has been through more than post people will ever experience. A nurse Esther got a hold of Beah and she tells him to visit the hospital for a checkup whenever he feels like. Esther seems very nice and kind, especially to Ishmael. Esther buys him rap cassettes and Ishmael feels more comfortable and the music brings back good memories of his best friends and brother. She also listens to every thing Ishmael has to say, she helps him and is his friend. Before the Esther and Ishmael became friends, Ishmael took her offer into consideration and decided to go to the hospital. Ishmael going to the hospital truly sparked their friendship and relationship. Ishmael tells Esther all about the war and the previous life he lived before becoming a soldier. These chapters are rough to read because Ishmael also has flashbacks and dreams. He has memories of friends and family, it’s so heartbreaking to know that they are gone. Ishmael keeps strong but emotionally he must be torn completely apart. From his previous experiences it will take time for Ishmael to repair mentally and physically. It’s so sad because he is around my age and I imagined myself going through what he has, and I honestly can’t imagine surviving emotionally. I don’t think I’d be physically hurt because physical pain can be repaired and it wont last forever, unlike emotional memories and pain because you can always recall them, and rarely ever repair one hundred percent from emotional pain

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